The Gilde activity SamenSpraak wants to help foreigners in Zeist to understand and speak the Dutch language better. SamenSpraak increases their self-reliance and their possibilities on the labour market. This will make them feel better at home in our society and better integrated. There are no costs associated with this assistance for non-native speakers.
A foreign language speaker, who lives in Zeist, can register as a “language client” at Gilde SamenSpraak. Once registered with SamenSpraak, the client is linked to a language coach. We work one-on-one, which ensures customisation.

The idea is that a language coach, who is a volunteer at Gilde SamenSpraak, has contact with the language client once a week. The conversation session lasts on average one and a half hours, during which lessons are not given. Instead, the time is spent practising with language elements that are important for the client. The emphasis is on conversation, and discussion topics are chosen by the client or otherwise determined by the coach. The coaches work independently and have great freedom to fill the sessions at their own discretion.
There are no forms of reimbursement for this voluntary work. The coach supervises the language client for one year. If necessary, this period will be extended after consultation. A location for the interviews is agreed: at the home of the coach or of the language seeker or in a public space such as the town hall or the library. For the coach the satisfaction lies in achieving results with the client, in enriching the insight into the culture of other population groups and helping someone. For practical reasons, SamenSpraak limits itself to language clients and language coaches who live in the municipality of Zeist.
Coordination team
The coordination team consists of two or more coordinators. The team conducts intake interviews with language clients and prospective language coaches. The information obtained is used to make a good match between client and coach. The coaches work independently but are supported by the coordination team if necessary. If problems arise, the coach or client can turn to the coordination team. The coaches receive information and language resources.
What do we expect?
of the language client
– basic knowledge of the Dutch language.
– good motivation.
of the language coach
– good command of the Dutch language.
– sufficient time for the weekly contacts and the necessary preparation.
– empathy for people from a different culture.
– and above all patience …
For more information about this project you can contact the coordination team: samenspraak.gilde.zeist@gmail.com
Learning Dutch
Learning the Dutch language is one of the components of compulsory integration (verplichte inburgering). Even if you are not obliged to integrate in the Netherlands, it is advisable to learn Dutch voluntarily if you continue to live in the Netherlands for a longer period.
Why learn the Dutch language?
– to have contact with Dutch people.
– to follow a course.
– to find work.
When should you integrate?
If you are obliged to integrate according to Dutch law, you will automatically receive a letter from the Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO). As an immigrant, you have 3 years after arrival to integrate into the Netherlands.
The inburgeren.nl website contains all information about integration.
For example about:
– language course or integration course.
– integration exam.
– exemption from the integration exam.
– adapted integration exam in the event of illness or disability.
– borrowing money for integration
For more information about support for integration in Zeist
Elycio Talen Zeist: https://www.elyciotalen.nl/contact
NLtraining: https://www.nltraining.nl
NVA Center for Integration and Participation: https://www.nva-amersfoort.nl/dutch-courses
Refugee Work Zeist: https://www.vluchtelingenwerk.nl/zeist